Planning Council

Oakland Transitional Grant Area (OTGA)

We boldly dare to stop all new HIV infections while improving the quality of life for those living with HIV disease.


The OTGA shall provide comprehensive planning, prioritization, and resource allocation regarding HIV services in the Oakland TGA that is inclusive, equitable, compassionate, and respectful of human rights.


The Planning Council shall employ a comprehensive and inclusive process, which is both data and community-input driven to allocate funds for HIV in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. 

About the Planning Council


Becoming a part of the Planning Council is an excellent opportunity to gain involvement in shaping the HIV service delivery system of the locale.  Taking an active role, not only allows you to garner relationships with others who are navigating through a diagnosis, but help lend a voice in the planning and decision making process.


Current Panel of Members


Aliaa Bilal Diana Dupree Ji-Sook 
Angel Dominguez Dione Lien Megan Crowley
Angel Mateo Duran Rutledge Myeeka Calhoun
April Langro Felecia Greenly Natalie Wilson
Bryan Harris George Ayala Paul Winfield
Damon Powell Hillary Chiginsky Roger Al-Chaikh


 How About Your Name Here?

THE PLANNING COUNCIL The Oakland Transitional Grant Area Planning Council (OTGA) is an HIV-focused planning group (made up of community members, county officials, agencies who serve the HIV community, and people living with HIV/AIDS) appointed by the Alameda County Health Department, that decides how federal Ryan White funds should be allocated and dispersed in the Oakland Transitional Grant Area (TGA). The TGA serves Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.

Funds are used to pay for medical and support services  for people living with HIV.  OTGA meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 1-3pm.

Please check the calendar for the most up to date schedule and meeting location.

Councils & Committees

The Oakland Transitional Grant Area Planning Council (OTGA) is an HIV-focused planning group (made up of community members, county officials, agencies who serve the HIV community, and people living with HIV/AIDS) appointed by the Alameda County Health Department, that decides how federal Ryan White funds should be spent in the Oakland Transitional Grant Area (TGA). The TGA  serves Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Funds are used to pay for medical and support services  for people living with HIV.

The Planning Council oversees several committees that focus on diverse interests.

Committees meet at varied intervals and all respond to priorities of PLWHA living in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.

Planning Council

Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties: Defines funding priorities, allocating funds to specific service categories to benefit residents of Alameda & Contra Costa Counties. 

Meets:  4th Wednesday/Monthly 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Executive Committee

Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties:  Reviews and discusses the activities of each of the standing Committees and coordinates the activities and agenda on the Planning Council 

Meets:  2nd Wednesday/Monthly 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Quality Services

Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties:  Evaluates the effectiveness and quality of services, oversees care continuum,  provides input on the Standards of Care, reviews Service Utilization Data, conducts the Assessment of Administrative Mechanism.

Meets: 3rd Monday/Monthly 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Planning, Priorities & Allocation

Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties:  Conducts the Needs Assessment and Integrated Care Plan, oversees the Priority Setting and Resource Allocation processes and reviews fiscal reports /  expenditures. 

Meets:  1st Thursday/Monthly 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Persons Living with HIV/AIDS

Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties: Ensures the best interests of PLWHA are met within the TGA Planning Council, and its committees, plans community outreach activities, discusses policy issues that impact PLWHA, hosts educational trainings for PLWHA and the greater community.

Meets:  1st Tuesday/Monthly 1:00pm to 3:00pm.


Includes the Co-Chairs of the Planning Council & Chairs of the PC Committees

Duties: The Membership Committee Assures HRSA’s categorical membership guidelines are met, reviews applications, conducts interviews with new candidates, and recommends candidates for membership. 

Meets: as needed

Make Your Voice Heard!

Consider joining the Planning Council today and help to create a service system that is relevant and reliable.